Payment methods

  • Payopal

    Payment is the final stage of the purchase process. It should never be a hindrance. Our shop pays special attention to this point since making the payment in a secure environment. With the growth of e-commerce, it is essential to choose a payment solution optimized for smartphones and tablets. This is why we use Paypal as our main payment method, which is also a security for our customers.

  • Banck tranfer

    Bank transfer is a payment method for those who do not have more advanced IT tools such as Paypal. Equally sure, it sins only in the times as before processing the shipment we must ascertain the payment made.

  • Pagamento in contanti

    Nella maggior parte delle transazioni commerciali nazionali, un pagamento in contanti verrà generalmente effettuato nella valuta del paese in cui avviene la transazione, in valuta cartacea, in monete o in una combinazione appropriata. Questo metodo di pagamento è ideale per ritiri in sede senza costi di spedizione.