Hello and welcome to the shipping and delivery page! Here you can read some details on the cycle of your order from the moment you place your order until it arrives at your home. At first choose the product you like. Then drop into your cart and go through the checkout process in just a few clicks. Our store offers several payment and delivery methods, so you have the opportunity to choose which one is the most convenient for you.

Delivery methods

  • On-site collection

    On-site collection is a simple and easy way to speed up delivery times. Buy in our online store, then contact us from the appropriate area of ​​your account to agree on a day and time for collection.

  • Shipment to the door

    What happens when you choose home delivery? Our store takes responsibility for dealing with all activities related to moving goods from the manufacturing plant to the door of the buyer / recipient. It is our responsibility to insure the goods and to absorb all costs and risks including the payment of duties and taxes. In other words, the cost of selling the goods includes all expenses including taxes to deliver the goods directly to your home.

  • Cash on delivery

    We offer cash on delivery for all those who do not have online payment methods, credit cards or the ability to make a bank transfer. In this way you can buy your products in complete safety and peace of mind.